Largest Capacity in South China

Since our inception in 1995, we have embarked on a journey of continuous development and innovation. Today, we proudly own self-built industrial facilities spanning over 40,000 square meters. This expansive infrastructure represents the largest production capacity in South China, a remarkable achievement that sets us apart. Notably,
our capacity is an impressive 4 times larger than that of the second-ranked competitor. This significant advantage instills us with unwavering confidence as we navigate the competitive landscape.

Massive-Scale Production

Since our inception in 1995, we have embarked on a journey of continuous development and innovation. Today, we proudly own self-built industrial facilities spanning over 40,000 square meters. This expansive infrastructure represents the largest production capacity in South China, a remarkable achievement that sets us apart. Notably,
our capacity is an impressive 4 times larger than that of the second-ranked competitor. This significant advantage instills us with unwavering confidence as we navigate the competitive landscape.

CAMBO invested in land purchasing and build up factory ourselves.

Installed solar panel system to get free electricity.

CAMBO 24 All-day production at night electricity is cheap

Integrated Productions

CAMBO is a true rooted manufacturer - a source
manufacturer producing for factories.

Quality remains at the core of our operations. To ensure stability and superiority, we have integrated the production of raw materials within our facilities. we have self-built copper and aluminum factories stand as a testament to our dedication to high-quality conductor materials.

Additionally, the integration of PVC and PE production for sheathing materials furthers our commitment to product excellence.

This integrated productions maximizes quality control and enhances our competitive cost advantage.

Over the years, we have established ourselves as a preferred partner for diverse giant purchasers. From government entities to publicly listed companies, renowned online brands and so on. Those are China’s largest domestic OEM manufacturer. we have been entrusted with the manufacturing of LAN cables for many of the market’s most influential players.
Collaborating with these industry leaders has not only strengthened our position but also catalyzed advancements in our production technology and quality control measures.
In conclusion, CAMBO’s capacity advantage epitomizes our dedication to industry leadership, efficiency, and quality. With the largest capacity in South China and a commitment to scale, integration, and collaboration, we stand poised to shape the future of LAN cable manufacturing
while maintaining our unwavering focus on excellence.

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